Fisheries management strategy article published

Congratulations to CMAST researchers Matt Damiano, Jie Cao, and Alex Rocco, along with Bethany Wager, Kyle W. Shertzer, and Grant D. Murray for their recently published article, “Integrating information from semi-structured interviews into management strategy evaluation: A case study for Southeast United States marine fisheries”, published in Frontiers in Marine Science.This article is one of a series of six on the topic, Co-creating Knowledge with Fishers: Challenges and Lessons for Integrating Fishers’ Knowledge Contributions into Marine Science in Well-Developed Scientific Advisory Systems.
Their research approach on this project included semi-structured interviewing of “commercial and recreational fishers from the Southeast US to learn what they valued about the fishery they participated in, their desired fishery objectives, preference for future management actions, and how past management actions had affected their fishing behavior.” This information was synthesized with a Management Strategy Evaluation tool. The study showed that “conducting semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, specifically commercial fishermen and recreational anglers, in tandem with MSE tool development is a viable intermediate approach to a full MSE when direct stakeholder participation in MSE is not feasible.”