Applied Ecology Team Presents Research

The NC State Department of Applied Ecology team at the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST) recently presented fisheries research at the 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. CMAST Research presentations included:
“Artificial reef structure selection by reef fishes: the importance of structure characteristics” by Ph.D. student, Ryan Tharp.
“Cold stun impacts: uncovering seasonal trends in spotted seatrout abundance and distribution” by Ph.D. student, Johnna Brooks.
“FISHstory: Using citizen science to estimate historic attributes of recreational fisheries” by Ph.D. candidate, Alex Rocco.
“Recreational angler perceptions on where to vent demersal reef fishes with barotrauma” by undergraduate student, Sean Sullivan.
“Spatiotemporal changes in catches of pelagic recreational fishes determined from MRIP data” by Ph.D. student, Bethany Wager.