Current Projects

- Diet composition and ecosystem modeling of predatory fishes captured in North Carolina: a cooperative program with North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund – Department of Environment & Natural Resources.
- Estimating discard mortality of shallow and deep water reef fishes using conventional and telemetry tags. NOAA Cooperative Research Program. Co-PIs Paul Rudershausen, Tom Burgess.
- Sources of mortality and movements of weakfish tagged in North Carolina. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund – Department of Environment & Natural Resources. Co-PI Joe Hightower (NCSU).
- Stock structure of spotted seatrout: assessing genetic connectivity at northern latitudinal limits. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund – Department of Environment & Natural Resources. Co-PIs Tim Ellis (NCSU) and Jan McDowell (VIMS).
- Estimating discard mortality and number of dead discarded dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the U.S. South Atlantic recreational fishery. NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy. Co-PIs Paul Rudershausen, Steven Poland.
- Evaluation of changes in available spawning and nursery habitats for river herring in North Carolina. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund-NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Co-PIs Jeffrey Buckel, Ernie Hain, and Lindsey Staszak.
- Marine Fisheries Management Fellowship. Jointly funded by NC Division of Marine Fisheries and NC Sea Grant.
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Descender Devices in Promoting the Survival of Deepwater Groupers Using Telemetry. NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy program.
- Evaluating the impacts of a marine protected area using BACI design. NOAA Cooperative Research Program.
- Developing indices of abundance, characterizing juvenile habitat and identifying major spawning areas for North Carolina sheepshead. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund-NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
- Estimating survival and stock structure of cobia using telemetry and population genetics. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund-NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
- Beaufort Bridgenet Ichthyoplankton Sampling Program: Addressing the Need for Fishery-Independent Juvenile/Larval Indices for Recreationally Important Species. North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fisheries License Fund-NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.