Craig Layman
Area(s) of Expertise
- Food webs
- Predator-prey interactions
- Fish Ecology
- Outreach and education
Research Summary
My lab’s interdisciplinary pursuits provide for a multi-faceted understanding of environmental change in the coastal realm. We are ecologists, asking questions that span population, community, ecosystem and evolutionary sub-disciplines. We often use a food web based perspective, exploring top-down (e.g., predation) and bottom-up (e.g., nutrient excretion) mechanisms by which animals affect ecosystem processes. All of our efforts are framed within a broader outreach framework, directly integrating science and education. We currently are working primarily in coastal ecosystems of the Bahamas and North Carolina.
Related Web Site Links
- Consuming Costly Prey: Optimal Foraging and the Role of Compensatory Growth , FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (2021)
- Optimum lionfish yield: a non-traditional management concept for invasive lionfish (Pterois spp.) fisheries , BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS (2020)
- Population Viability of Sea Turtles in the Context of Global Warming , BIOSCIENCE (2021)
- An ecosystem ecology perspective on artificial reef production , JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY (2020)
- Foundation Species Abundance Influences Food Web Topology on Glass Sponge Reefs , FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE (2020)
- Individual behavior drives ecosystem function and the impacts of harvest , SCIENCE ADVANCES (2020)
- Rewiring coral: Anthropogenic nutrients shift diverse coral-symbiont nutrient and carbon interactions toward symbiotic algal dominance , GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY (2020)
- Taxonomic identity best explains variation in body nutrient stoichiometry in a diverse marine animal community , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2020)
- The role of multiple stressors in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) dieback , ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (2020)
- Ecological Consequences Of Sexually Selected Traits: An Eco-Evolutionary Perspective , QUARTERLY REVIEW OF BIOLOGY (2019)