JoAnn Burkholder
Area(s) of Expertise
- Eutrophication (Nutrient Pollution) Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Quantifying Land Use Influences on Water Quality
- Nutritional Ecology of Harmful Algae and Seagrasses
- Impacts and Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms
- Automated Remote Acquisition of Water Quality Data in Real Time
- Long-Term Trends in Pollutant Loads
Research Summary
My research over the past 35 years has emphasized the effects of nutrient over-enrichment, related pollutants, and changing nutrient stoichiometry on aquatic ecosystems spanning from freshwaters to estuaries and marine coasts. I especially have focused on harmful algae such as toxigenic cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates, and on beneficial seagrasses. I have also studied chronic effects of eutrophication on higher trophic levels such as finfish and shellfish. My most recent work has been in Falls Lake, a major potable water supply reservoir in the North Carolina Piedmont.
- Watershed Development and Eutrophying Potable Source-Water Reservoirs in a Warming Temperate/Subtropical Region , WATER (2023)
- Classic indicators and diel dissolved oxygen versus trend analysis in assessing eutrophication of potable-water reservoirs , ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS (2022)
- Diversity of bioactive compound content across 71 genera of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial cyanobacteria , HARMFUL ALGAE (2021)
- An Environmental Assessment of the North and South Carolina Coasts , WORLD SEAS: AN ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION, VOL I: EUROPE, THE AMERICAS AND WEST AFRICA, 2ND EDITION (2018)
- Odorella benthonica gen. & sp. nov. (Pleurocapsales, Cyanobacteria): an odor and prolific toxin producer isolated from a California aqueduct , JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY (2019)
- Sampling bias misrepresents the biogeographical significance of constitutive mixotrophs across global oceans , GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY (2019)
- Assessment of atrazine toxicity to the estuarine phytoplankter, Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyta), under varying nutrient conditions , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2018)
- Chattonella subsalsa (Raphidophyceae) growth and hemolytic activity in response to agriculturally-derived estuarine contaminants , HARMFUL ALGAE (2018)
- Harmful Algal Blooms: a compendium desk reference , (2018)
- Imbalanced nutrient regimes increase Prymnesium parvum resilience to herbicide exposure , Harmful Algae (2018)