Tyre Lanier
Area(s) of Expertise
Muscle protein gelation and quality improvement of muscle products, particularly marine in origin.
- Capillarity proposed as the predominant mechanism of water and fat stabilization in cooked comminuted meat batters , MEAT SCIENCE (2015)
- Rapid (microwave) heating rate effects on texture, fat/water holding, and microstructure of cooked comminuted meat batters , FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (2016)
- Combined use of variable pressure scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy best reveal microstructure of comminuted meat gels , LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2015)
- High pressure effects on heat-induced gelation of threadfin bream (Nemipterus spp.) surimi , JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING (2014)
- Mechanism of meat tenderization by sous vide cooking , Meat Science (2013)
- Transglutaminase and high pressure effects on heat-induced gelation of Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) surimi , JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING (2014)
- Capillary Pressure as Related to Water Holding in Polyacrylamide and Chicken Protein Gels , JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE (2013)
- Rapid Heating of Alaska Pollock and Chicken Breast Myofibrillar Proteins as Affecting Gel Rheological Properties , JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE (2013)
- Autolytic Degradation of Skipjack Tuna during Heating As Affected by Initial Quality and Processing Conditions , JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE (2012)
- Effects of Heating Rate and pH on Fracture and Water-Holding Properties of Globular Protein Gels as Explained by Micro-Phase Separation , JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE (2012)