Area Teachers Attend Coastal Connections Summer Session
Sixteen teachers spent the last two weeks participating in a intense summer professional development program as part of a Math and Science Partnership Grant titled: Coastal Connections.

The Science House at CMAST is directing this grant which partners with public and private schools from Craven, Carteret, Jones and Onslow County School systems to help teachers to receive coastal marine science content knowledge and to be more aware of resources that are available to them here on the coast.
The two week professional development was led by Dr. Vicky Thayer who did an outstanding job of creating a course that met the needs of a diverse group of teachers who taught from elementary to high school levels and introduced a broad spectrum of topics associated with the coastal marine research being conducted on the coast.
Each day started with a field trip led to a coastal research site, led by a researcher who introduced teachers to their research. Teachers visited Shackleford Banks, NC Maritime Museum, NC Aquarium, Duke Marine Lab, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences, NOAA Labs and other locations.
Most of the teachers had never visited these locations and knew little of what resources were available to them prior to the field trips.
Teachers spent the afternoon in classroom instruction and hands on labs that helped them to develop a better understanding of marine science content. Labs and lectures were conducted by area specialist and researchers, many of whom work at CMAST.

The Coastal Connection MSP is a three year grant, which will provide a summer professional development and a year long commitment to the development of educational units that provide coastal connections to NC educational curriculum.
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