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Jul 13, 2015

The Science House @ CMAST Joins Teen Science Network

The Center for Marine Sciences and Technology is the newest member of the Teen Science Café Network. Science Café programs engage scientists and the public in conversation on interesting science topics in a highly social setting. The model was established in England, and its popularity led to rapid spread in various forms throughout the world.…

Jul 13, 2015

The Science House @ CMAST partners with The Bridge Downeast

(This article is reprinted from an article by Cheryl Burke in The Carteret County News-Times). Landon Tunstall, a rising eighth-grader at Down East Middle School, is interested in engineering and science. He wants to be a pilot when he grows up. “My favorite subject is science and I’d like to be in the Air Force or…

Jun 3, 2015

Teen Coastal Cafe — June 12th- Meet Dr. Chuck Weirich

The Teen Coastal Science Café will meet on Friday, June 12th at 5:30-7:30 pm at CMAST (303 College Circle, Morehead City, NC 28557). Come meet Dr. Chuck Weirich, who recently joined North Carolina Sea Grant as a marine aquaculture specialist. In his new duties, Dr. Weirich will focus on developing North Carolina’s marine aquaculture industry,…

May 20, 2015

CMAST’s Michael Stoskopf Scores BioTech Grant

CMAST’s Michael Stoskopf, NC State professor of aquatics, wildlife and zoologic medicine and of molecular and environmental toxicology, has been awarded ab Institutional Development Grants from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center (NCBiotech) to fund new lab equipment. Dr. Stoskopf will receive $72,500 for a recycling system that will reduce by at least 90 percent the use of…

May 10, 2015

NC State CVM Students Attend 2015 Fish Med Selective at CMAST

NC State College of Veterinary Medicine students completed an intensive course of clinical work and lectures at the week-long Advanced Fish Medicine Selective at CMAST this month. The course was the first time the majority of these students had ever had hands-on clinical experience with marine life. Selectives are courses CVM students take to familiarize…

May 7, 2015

Semester @ CMAST Launched

In Spring, 2016, a special class of undergraduates will be bound for the coast to participate in an intensive hands-on semester in marine science for the first Semester @ CMAST (S@C). Twenty to twenty-five NC State undergraduate students will spend their 2016 spring semester as resident students at CMAST, NC State’s Center for Marine Sciences and…

May 5, 2015

Sea Wolves Attend Stranding Training in April

Students who participated in The Science House @ CMAST’s Sea Wolf program in April attended marine mammal stranding training, including a necropsy on a newborn dolphin. The Sea Wolves is a 4H Program for Middle and High School students interested in Environmental and Marine Sciences. One of the many educational outreach programs offered by The…

Mar 26, 2015

Dr. David Green Receives 2015 Carl R. Fellers Award

CMAST’s David Patrick Green, PhD, has received the 2015 Carl R. Fellers Award from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) for his long-standing dedication to enhance the profession of food science. He is Professor and Department Extension Leader in Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at North Carolina State University and is Director of the NC…

Mar 18, 2015

CMAST Sea Wolves Place in Coastal Envirothon Competition

Congratulations to the CMAST Sea Wolves who competed in yesterday’s Coastal Envirothon, held at The Weyerhauser Cool Springs Environmental Education Center in New Bern. They placed at the top of the teams from Area 6 of the NC Association of Soil and Water Districts, qualifying them to move on to the State competition, which will…

Mar 10, 2015

CMAST Director Dr. David Eggleston Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

(MAR 11, 2015) CMAST Director Dr. David Eggleston has been selected to receive the NC State Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award for 2014-2015. This award recognizes service as an outstanding teacher at NC State. Only two faculty who are members of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers may be nominated by each college, and only faculty…