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Dec 1, 2014

Boat Donation Increases the Fleet

The CMAST facility and its programs are very grateful to Dr. Rick Weisler of Raleigh, NC for the donation of a 26-ft. Regulator center console boat. This boat will facilitate CMAST research programs offshore, such as scuba-diving support for research (including instrument deployment and retrieval), tag-recapture of mobile animals, and behavioral observations of animals.

Nov 21, 2014

Dr. Pat Curley, Director of The Science House @ CMAST, named Outstanding Veteran of the Year

Each year, the city of Jacksonville North Carolina seeks nominations from local veterans groups to recognize the area’s “outstanding veteran of the year.” Those nominated, and selected, receive a Veteran of the Year certificate and an “outstanding citizen” pin from the Jacksonville city council. This year, one of those recognized was Dr. Pat Curley, Program…

Nov 21, 2014

The Science House @ CMAST Kicks off a Fabulous Winter

The Science House @ CMAST is rounding out 2014 with activities and plans for the coming year. Science House Director Dr. Pat Curley has been elected as the Eastern Section Chair for the Environmental Educators of North Carolina, the State’s professional organization for formal and informal educators. As the Eastern Section Chair, he will represent the…

Aug 7, 2014

Area Teachers Attend Coastal Connections Summer Session

Sixteen teachers spent the last two weeks participating in a intense summer professional development program as part of a Math and Science Partnership Grant titled: Coastal Connections. The Science House at CMAST is directing this grant which partners with public and private schools from Craven, Carteret, Jones and Onslow County School systems to help teachers…

Aug 7, 2014

2014 CMAST Summer Fellows Give Presentations

On August 1st, the 2014 CMAST Summer Fellows gave their final presentations to an enthusiastic audience. There were three Fellows this year who worked on a trio of interesting projects. The CMAST Summer Fellows Program is a program for undergraduate students; in collaboration with a faculty advisor that matches their interests, each student: 1) identifies an independent study project…

Jun 23, 2014

CMAST’s Heather Broadhurst Receives Award

In a ceremony on the NCSU main campus in Raleigh on Monday, CMAST’s Heather Broadhurst was awarded the College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Sarah Joyner Memorial Staff Excellence Award. Heather began working as a technician for the Department of Clinical Sciences supporting the CVM’s research, field services practice and teaching at the NCSU…

Jun 20, 2014

CMAST Holds Open House to Announce New MMRI Facility & Other Programs

(Story by Mike Shutak, originally appearing in the Carteret County News-Times) One of the newest facilities at CMAST offers new opportunities for research, and new programs at the center offer new opportunities for learning and industry innovation.This was the message for those invited to an open house held June 20 at CMAST. The center invited…

May 30, 2014

Successful Release of Hooked Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

This sea turtle was incidentally caught on a hook and line by a recreational fisherman and was brought to CMAST by a NCWRC biologist to be examined by Dr. Emily Christiansen. The hook was deep in the esophagus and somewhat challenging to remove, but appeared to have caused minimal damage. Following the hook removal and…

May 22, 2014

CMAST Saddened by Passing of Dr. Patricia McClellan-Green

CMAST is saddened by the passing of Professor of Toxicology Dr. Patricia McClellan-Green on May 18 due to complications from bacterial meningitis. “Pat McClellan-Green was an integral part of our CMAST family, and we are stunned and heartbroken over this loss, a loss which is both professional and personal. CMAST will not be the same…

May 14, 2014

NC State CVM Students Visit CMAST for Fish Medicine Selectives

Twenty-two first and second year veterinary students attended the Advanced Fish Medicine Selective, held at NCSU-CMAST for the first time in the last week in April. In past years, this one week intensive course has run at the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Bringing the course to the coast has some great advantages: the aquatic…