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Jan 17, 2014

Pelican Patched up at CMAST

On Wednesday, January 15th, 2014, a juvenile brown pelican was witnessed by Carteret Community College students and staff exhibiting abnormal behavior. CMAST staff from NCSU-CVM were contacted to observe and examine the bird. Veterinarians Dr. Emily Christiansen and Dr. Jennifer Niemuth (pictured on the right) assessed the health of the pelican through a physical exam and…

Jan 9, 2014

Start-Up Holds Marketing Summit at CMAST

(JAN 8, 2014) It is not often we are asked to participate in a new business start-up, but that is exactly what happened at CMAST recently. Shure Foods, Inc. of Greenville, NC held its first marketing summit on December 9-11 in Morehead City. The local company was founded in 2006 and is refining its patented process…

Dec 16, 2013

Stranding Team Responds to Ocean Sunfish Stranding

On December 15, Dr. Vicky Thayer received a live stranding report of a “black dolphin or black whale” off Lola Drive in Cedar Island. The report was that it was “alive and dolphin-like.” The Stranding Team mobilized in two vehicles, prepared for live-stranded cetacean such as Risso’s dolphin or perhaps a pilot whale. However, when…

Nov 26, 2013

Listen Up: Oysters May Use Sound to Select a Home

Oysters begin their lives as tiny drifters, but when they mature they settle on reefs. New research from North Carolina State University shows that the sounds of the reef may attract the young oysters, helping them locate their permanent home. Larval oysters are planktonic, meaning that they cannot swim against or across currents. However, they…

Nov 22, 2013

CMAST pays tribute to Joyce Taylor, “Guru of Seafood”

Joyce Ann Taylor, 81, of Newport, passed away Saturday, November 16, 2013. Friends and colleagues gathered to remember Joyce at a special memorial ceremony at CMAST on Friday, November 22 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. “Joyce Taylor promoted ‘local seafood’ long before the phrase became popular,” said Dr. David Green, Director of the NCSU…

Nov 18, 2013

The Science House Partners with CMAST to Provide Education Outreach

OCT 20, 2013: CMAST now houses an outreach office of The Science House.  The Science House annually reaches over 5,000 teachers and over 36,000 students from six offices spread across the state. Their mission is to work in partnership with K-12 teachers and students to promote the use and impact of hands-on inquiry based learning…