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2023 Semester at CMAST students pictured left to right are: Iileyah Braxton, Grace Brown, Kamber Lovill, Adam Wampler, Hailey Lewis, Sam Merritt, Abby Lee, Sean Sullivan, Sarah Smith, Nathan Hayes, Catherine Kirch, and Zophia Cavalli.

May 4, 2023

Another Successful Semester at CMAST

The NC State University Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST) bids farewell to its 2023 class of Semester at CMAST students.  Best of luck to these future scientists as they continue their education and research.  At least three of the twelve Semester at CMAST students will stay in Morehead City through the summer to…

Bolton prepares a meal featuring local bluefish.

May 1, 2023

NC State Seafood Day

Alex Chouljenko, director of the NC State Seafood Lab at the Center for Marine Science and Technology (CMAST), and Greg Bolton, Seafood Lab research assistant, recently visited Raleigh to participate in two events they collaborated on with NC State Dining.  Chouljenko says, “One was a ‘Seafood Day’ at the Fountain Dining Hall where a seafood-inspired…

May 1, 2023

Small World!

While CMAST Director David Eggleston was recently conducting research on underwater soundscapes and movements of juvenile sharks with colleague Dr. Alex Hearn with the Galapagos Science Center, he was able to team up with NC State undergraduate students Madison Scholes and Emory Gardner. Both Madison and Emory are enrolled in a Study Abroad Program in…

Apr 26, 2023

Advanced Fish Medicine Course Returns to CMAST

This week, eighteen NC State University veterinary medicine students visited the Center for Marine Science and Technology (CMAST) to take part in a week-long special topic Advanced Fish Medicine Selective course.   Students had the opportunity to go beach seining and explore diagnostic techniques with fish they caught, specifically evaluating them for external parasites. .  In…

Apr 18, 2023

Harms Continues Turtle Audiology Research Abroad

Dr. Craig Harms, NC State University professor and director of the marine health program at the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST), spent the last part of March and early April in the island nation of Dominica studying hawksbill sea turtle hearing as part of a project funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy…

Apr 12, 2023

Semester at CMAST Students Help Recycle Monofilament

NC State University Semester at CMAST students (left to right) Adam Wampler, Sarah Smith, Catherine Kirch, Zofia Cavalli, and Abby Lee helped Dr. Vicky Thayer, NC State University Coordinator of Semester at CMAST and North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) Marine Mammal Stranding Network Coordinator, collect discarded used monofilament fishing line for recycling on the Morehead City waterfront in…

Brian Sischo, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement (left), and Chancellor Woodson (back center), talk to students during the boat tour.

Apr 12, 2023

Chancellor’s Cabinet Visits CMAST

Last week, the North Carolina State University Chancellor’s Cabinet leadership team met in Carteret County.  While here, the team, along with Chancellor Randy Woodson, had the opportunity to tour the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology facilities with Director David Eggleston, as well as tour local waters on the fishing vessel Carolina Princess.  Cabinet members…

Apr 12, 2023

Cao Selected for Goodnight Award

Jie Cao, assistant professor at the Center for Marine Sciences and Technology (CMAST), has been named an NC State University 2022-2023 Goodnight Early Career Innovator.  The Goodnight Early Career Innovators Award program, which began in 2021 and is sponsored by the Provost’s Office, provides tenure-track assistant professors in STEM or STEM education research and innovation,…

CMAST from water.

Mar 28, 2023

CMAST Receives Excellent Five-Year Review

The NC State University Center for Marine Science and Technology (CMAST) recently completed its five-year external review.  CMAST virtually presented its self-study to the Research Development Office on February 1, which submitted its findings earlier this month. During the review, committee members had the opportunity to meet with the CMAST Director, Dr. David Eggleston, tour…

Bonehenge with Dr. Craig Harms and student

Mar 27, 2023

Natural History Class

NC State University Semester at CMAST undergraduate students recently participated in a field course titled, Natural History of Coastal NC.  The purpose of the week-long course, taught by Dr. Vicky Thayer, is to introduce students to native NC barrier island and estuarine flora and fauna.   On day one of the course, students met with Jon…